The health benefits of swimming are many it is a great all round exercise which I love. I am not a great swimmer but I love being in the water. And I love being in the water at the beach when the Sun is rising.
Summer or Winter I love to swim and until last winter the colder months saw me heading to the outdoor heated pool. To me anyone who swam in the cold ocean was a bit crazy, I liked the water to be at least 24 degrees, I didn’t mind the cold air, but only wanted to dip this body into warmish water.
Then for some unexplained reason last Winter I just kept going to the ocean pool. The water was cold, but not too cold so I just kept going. Right through winter, now I’m the one who’s a bit crazy.
The fabulous designs in swimwear mean there is a cozzie for all occasions. I love my long sleeve one piece, it is actually warmer and not difficult to swim in. Not like a wet suit, it moves freely.
Let me get back to my original thoughts, swimming has great health benefits and is a complete exercise that is non weight bearing. That’s got to be good for the hips and knees. Swimming is great if you are recovering from an injury you can take your time to recover.
Swimming keeps your heart rate up with out stress, it builds endurance, strengthens muscles and is a complete cardiovascular exercise, which is another health benefit.
Not often mentioned is the benefit gained by your lungs. When you are swimming and taking deep breaths and exhaling under water the concentrated breaths force your lungs to open right up. Great for your circulation when your are breathing deep.
The extra benefit for me is therapeutic, time to let the mind unwind, time to relax and let the world pass by. Who doesn’t love a bit of me time, when you are swimming there is no phone, no TV, just you and the water. Got to love that, peace, time to unwind and get exercise as well.
We have a great range of fashion swimwear and chlorine resistant swimwear if you are heading indoors to a pool.
If you are swimming through winter and need cozzies call into our Beaumont St store or find us online at: https://www.cozziesswimwear.com.au/